The Test
Each youth will take a battery of tests and complete worksheets designed to identify personality type, individual needs, personal gifts and interests as they relate to a career path. The testing instruments are written specifically for high school aged youth.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) measures personality traits and needs as the affect the choice of a career that is a good fit. Work tasks and work environments are identified along with least and most popular occupations for the personality type. The instrument also offers strategies for improving job satisfaction.
The Strong Profile enables youth to explore various fields of study in a range of work environments. Occupations are summarized and educational programs are linked to their interests. This instrument incorporates personal work, learning, leadership, team participation and risk-taking style preferences.
Work Sheets are used in order to clarify personal values, lifestyle choices, decision making styles and expectations in choosing the best career fit. Expectations of youth by parents and significant adults are also explored.